2014年11月27日 星期四

The Movie not Only Makes You Laugh but also Makes You think:Bruce Almighty

The movie had been released for a long time, but I watched the on TV about several months ago. This is my first time to know Jim Carrey and I was fascinated by him. In the film, he played a journalist, Bruce. Bruce did his work very hard every day for his dream to be a TV news anchor. Unfortunately, when he thought his dream will come true, the boss just appointed another person. After this, he felt frustrated and keep complaining. Until someday, god just felt enough and told him that he will get power to prove that he can do better. But god there is something he can not do, that is, he can’t change people’s free will. When he got the power of god, he changed and did a lot of bad things, therefore, his girlfriend left him. And at the right time, he realized that even he had such a power, he still can’t detain her. At end of the film, he knew his girlfriend prayed for him every night and that’s why god chose him and gave him power. When he felt regretful in deep, a car accident happened to him and he reform from the heart. Fortunately, he come to alive and when he woke up, he found his girlfriend just beside him and took care of him.Eventually, he accept the fact and do his work as a journalist happily.

2014年11月20日 星期四

What We Need When We Were in a Pickle?You Will Find Out in Cast Away

The film is talking about the experience of a delivery person, Chunk. Chunk underwent a air crash and survived, but after this, he had to learn how to survive on a small island.

He experienced such this, sometimes he even wanted to give up, but he did not. Because of the pocket watch which his girlfriend, Kelly, gave him and his friend made of volleyball, Wilson’s company, he endured all of the bad things and keep going forward, finally, he made it and returned.

Although his girlfriend thought he had died and got married, he still appreciated her for helping his go through the four years on the island. The plot in the film touched the most is Kelly watched Chuck drove car and left in the rain, and she ran after his car. Although Kelly seemed to still love him, Chuck considered her child and husband and chose to leave in the end. What Chuck did really impressed me and made me fascinated by him in deep, and I have to recommend the movie to everyone sincerely.

2014年11月13日 星期四

A Silence Guard of Love:Drive

The film describes a driver whose name never be mentioned about. The driver is very silence, but in fact, he is extraordinary, and he drived for criminal to help them escape from police as a part time job before. But that was he used to do before he met and fall in love with Irene. He get along well with Irene and her children. For Irene, she also thought the driver is nice, but it didn’t last to long, and Irene’s husband came back. Her husband was put into prison but when he went out and decided not to do wrong things, some bad guys force him to join a robbery, otherwise they will hurt his family. Knew about what happened to Irene’s husband, the driver decided to help. Unfortunately, everything went worse, they were involved in a conspiracy, and Irene’s husband died. The driver wanted to take Irene and her son and just go far away in the beginning, but he chose to leave them to keep them save in the of film. In the film, I like the driver’s implicit emotion and what he done for helping Irene behind her, that shows his firmness, and really makes me fascinated in the film.

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2014年11月6日 星期四

The Passion Which Even Time Can't Obliterate:A Werewolf Boy

The film is a story between Kim Chul-soo(金哲秀) and Kim Sun-yi(金純伊). Chul-soo is a mysterious man with great power and strong body.Conversely,Sun-yi is a unhealthy girl ,because of her weak body,she had no choice but to study at home and become pessimistic gradually.

But the situation had change since Chul-soo appeared.Sun-yi didn’t like Chul-soo in the beginning,but after a period of time getting along,she changed her view to Chul-soo and start to develop special emotion to him.
But short after,some people found Chul-soo is not a normal person and start to persecute him.Chul-soo didn’t resist in the beginning,but when he saw Sun-yi was hurted,he lost his mind and kill the bad guy.Because of that,he could not stay there anymore and was separated from Sun-yi.47 years passed,when Sun-yi returned,she was surprise that he still wait for her.Although the film didn’t highlight the motion between them is love or another,but they’re so care about each other that their affection touch me in deed.

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